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PlantVarietyLocationShort NotesLatinID
Salvia x no longer here 210
SalviaPatio Deep Blue H back - lower bed - east 211
SaxifrageHighlander Rose Shades N back -patio area & raised beds 217
SaxifrageSaxony Red & White Star 5 front - roses area 216
SedumOreganum & Coral Carpet 208
SedumSediforme Silver 209
ShallotRed Sun N back -patio area & raised beds 219
ShallotRed Sun G back - lower bed west & nursery bed 220
SisyrinchiumE K Balls 4 front - water feature area 215
SkimmiaReevesiana E back - heather bed west 213
SkimmiaTemptation L back - at fence with 18 214
Snowdropelwesii 2 front - magnolia / laburnum area Galanthus 218
SolanumGlasnevin J back - bottom east 28
Spinacheverlasting x no longer here 24
SpiraeaFirelight 2 front - magnolia / laburnum area 29
SpiraeaFirelight G back - lower bed west & nursery bed 30
SpiraeaSnowmound J back - bottom east 31
Spring Onion x no longer here 25
Stock10-week mixed x no longer here Better in sunlight & supported. Nothing special about the flowers. Good in a mixed bed. 26
StockNight scented x no longer here Better in sunlight & supported. Nothing special about the flowers. Good in a mixed bed. 27
Strawberry x no longer here 20
Sunflower 221
SunflowerIrish Eyes x no longer here 18
Sweet Peas Mid-March - 3 seeds in 3" pot, general compost & some soil, leave on window sill / boiler house. Put out in sheltered position when seedlings. 4 of these pots will make a wigwam.
Cut every 10 days to stop seeding.
Sweet William 206


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