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PlantVarietyLocationShort NotesLatinID
AcerOrange Dream 60
AcerRed Wine 61
AcerShindeshojo 62
AcerYezo Nishiki 63
Agapanthus September - deadhead right down to the bottom of the stem; feed weekly until the end of October. 224
AlliumIvory Queen 54
Alliummoly 5 front - roses area 223
AlliumNigram 52
AlliumPurple Sensation 53
Alstromeria? pot pots / planters 45
AlstromeriaDark Purple pot pots / planters 43
AlstromeriaInca Lake pot pots / planters 46
AlstromeriaPrincess Diana pot pots / planters 42
AlstromeriaPrincess Fabiana pot pots / planters 44
AnemoneSeptember Charm 64
Anemone de Caen 55
ArmeriaArmada White 66
Asterperennial - Audrey M back - down west side of steps 49
Asterperennial - Barbados M back - down west side of steps 50
Asterperennial - Little Pink Beauty M back - down west side of steps 48
AubretiaAxcent Magenta 65
Plant ImagePlant in Context ImageAzaleaKlondyke 2 front - magnolia / laburnum area deciduous. Flowers May 3
AzaleaLuteum A back - top bed - top of steps deciduous 51
BambooPleioblastus Variegatus 68
Beech hedge 67
Begoniadouble white 69
Boxhedging x no longer here 47
BuddleiaBuzz (sky blue) 57
BuddleiaLochinch 58
BuddleiaNanho Purple 59
Buddleiawhite 56
CalendulaNeedles & Pins x no longer here 103
Calla Lily x no longer here 100
Camelliasasanqua Sparkling Burgundy Should have rainwater. 86
Camelliawilliamsii Bowen Bryant Should have rainwater. 91
Camelliawilliamsii Donation Should have rainwater. 90
Camelliawilliamsii E G Waterhouse Should have rainwater. 87
Camelliawilliamsii Jury's Yellow Should have rainwater. 89
Camelliawilliamsii St Ewe Should have rainwater. 88
Campanulalatifolia Alba 105
Carrot x no longer here 80
Ceanothus 70
Choisia 84
Chrysanthemum 76
Clarkiadouble mixed x no longer here 101
ClematisAljonushka 97
Clematisalpina Cyanea 96
ClematisBill Mackenzie A back - top bed - top of steps yellow, type 3 34
ClematisFranziska Maria J back - bottom east double purple, type 2 35
ClematisKoreana 'Amber' A back - top bed - top of steps yellow, type 1 40
ClematisPiilu 7 front - beside front door purple / white, type 2 39
Clematisurophylla 'Winter Beauty' J back - bottom east white, type 1. May need protection against frost. Too cold at bottom, move it. 41
Clematisurophylla Winter Beauty 98
ClematisViticella Madam Julia Correvon J back - bottom east magenta, type 3. Group 3 can be pruned only every other year - gives bigger plant& more flowers. 37
ClematisViticella Madam Julia Correvon N back -patio area & raised beds magenta, type 3 38
ClematisViticella Polish Spirit A back - top bed - top of steps purple, type 3. Group 3 can be pruned only every other year - gives bigger plant& more flowers. 36
Colchicum 99
Coleus 82
Copper beech 83
CoreopsisCalypso 73
CoreopsisLittle Bang 72
CoreopsisSunfire 71
Cornflowermixed 102
CosmosDazzler In June on young plants, pinch off the leading bud to encourage more sideways flowers. 93
CosmosPurity x no longer here 92
Cotoneaster x no longer here 94
CrocosmiaGeorge Davidson pot pots / planters pale leaves. Not good flowers in pot 32
CrocosmiaLucifer pot pots / planters no flowers in first year 33
Crocus 75
DaffodilTahiti & Sir Winston Churchill Narcissus 81
Dahlia They need water. Early on give a high nitrogen feed for a few weeks, then balanced feed, then when flowering a high potash feed.
Anti-earwigs: petroleum jelly rubbed over stem about 4" just below the flowers.
In March pot them up - crown just
DahliaBishops Children 78
Desfontania 77
Dianthus 95
Dicentra spectabilis 74
Dodecatheon 85
Dogs Tooth Violet? White Beauty or Californicum Erythronium 114
EchinaceaPink Parasol 116
Escallonia x no longer here 106
EscalloniaIveyi 107
EuonymusPierrolino 115
Forsythia 111
FreesiaFragrant Sunburst 108
Freesiamixed double x no longer here 109
Freesiasingle white 110
Fuchsia 112
Fuchsiatrailing 113
Garlic 123
Gazania 136
GeraniumRozanne 133
Geranium macrorrhizumBevans Variety x no longer here 132
Godetia 122
Guernsey Lily Nerine Bowbenii 167
Heathers 124
HebeYoungii 131
Hedera CanariensisGloire de Marengo x no longer here 137
HeleniumMardi Gras 118
HeleniumSahin's Early Flowerer 119
HelleborusSnow White In January get the old leaves off, to show off the flowers & prevent disease. After being in the ground 3 years, they end up multi-crowned & send out horizontal rhizome-like stems. They lose shape & vigour, so take cuttings. Lift the whole plant & you can 138
Herbs 134
HeucheraCopper Cascade 139
Plant ImagePlant in Context ImageHoneysuckleBelgica x no longer here deciduous Lonicera 2
HoneysuckleGraham Thomas x no longer here Lonicera 146
Honeysucklejaponica Cream Cascade x no longer here Lonicera 147
Honeysucklejaponica Hall's Prolific x no longer here Lonicera 149
Honeysucklejaponica Halliana x no longer here Lonicera 148
HostaAlbo Marginata 120
HostaFrances Williams 121
Hydrangeamacrophylla lacecap Flower on old wood - dead head early April. 129
Hydrangeamacrophylla Zorro Flower on old wood - dead head early April. 127
Hydrangeapaniculata Bombshell Flower on new growth: in early April prune well to a low pair of buds. 130
Hydrangeaserrata Bluebird Flower on old wood - dead head early April. 126
Hydrangeaunknown blue trellis planter. Flower on old wood - dead head early April. 125
HypericumHidcote 1 front - nearest road 1
Iris x no longer here 144
IrisDutch 142
Irisminiature 140
Irisreticulata Harmony 141
Irissiberica 143
Irish Yew O side - beside bins Clip August - October. Clip it every year. 225
Kerria japonicaPlenifora x no longer here 150
Laburnum 159
Lavenderangustifolia 156
Lavenderstochas Butterfly Anouk x no longer here cannot withstand frost 154
Lavenderstochas standard cannot withstand frost 155
Leylandii 145
Liatrisspicata 151
Lilyoriental Chill Out 153
Lily of the Valley Convallaria Majalis 104
LithodoraHeavenly Blue 152
Magnoliasieboldii x no longer here given to No 20 161
Magnoliasoulangeia Red Lucky 7 front - beside front door 162
Magnoliastellata Waterlily 163
Meconopsisbetonicifolia baileyi 165
MeconopsisJimmy Bayne 164
NigellaMiss Jekyll x no longer here Love in a Mist 166
ParahebeSnow Clouds 196
Parsnip x no longer here At end of April, sow with radish in same drill. Radish harvest first and by then the parsnip will have germinated. 199
Peacock Orchid x no longer here Gladiolus Callianthus 135
PeonyKansas Paeonia 193
Peonylactifolia Krinkle White Paeonia 194
PeonySarah Bernhardt Paeonia 192
Petunia 186
Philadelphus x no longer here 171
PhiladelphusSnowbelle B back - top bed - middle 170
PhloxEarly Spring Purple 187
Phloxpaniculata David 188
PhotiniaChristmas Berry 181
PhotiniaRed Robin 182
PhotiniaScarlet Blaze 183
PierisFlaming Silver 190
PierisMountain Fire 189
Pierisvariegated 191
PittosporumGarnettii x no longer here Was right beside gate. Old plant. Removed. 176
PoppyBritish Oriental x no longer here 169
PoppyCalifornian - mixed 198
PoppyLadybird Sow direct at beginning of September. 197
PoppyOriental - Beauty of Livermore 180
PoppyOriental - Royal Wedding 179
Potatoes 174
Potatoes N back -patio area & raised beds Chit mid-March - in light so that the eyes aren't too long & pale. 226
Potentilla x no longer here 168
PrimulaAcaulis x no longer here 185
PritzelagoIcecube 175
Privetgolden ligistrum 158
PrunusIncisa Kojou-no-mai I back - bottom - west 172
PrunusOshidori N back -patio area & raised beds 173
Pulmonaria M back - down west side of steps 184
Raised bed at back door 178
Ranunculusasiaticus L back - at fence with 18 23
RhododendronNancy Evans N back -patio area & raised beds 203
RhododendronNovaya Zembla K back - down east side fence 204
Rhubarb K back - down east side fence 2017 - little growth after movement 22
RoseCharles Darwin H back - lower bed - east 202
RoseRhapsody in Blue 200
RoseRosa Scabrosa 201
Salvia x no longer here 210
SalviaPatio Deep Blue H back - lower bed - east 211
SaxifrageHighlander Rose Shades N back -patio area & raised beds 217
SaxifrageSaxony Red & White Star 5 front - roses area 216
SedumOreganum & Coral Carpet 208
SedumSediforme Silver 209
ShallotRed Sun N back -patio area & raised beds 219
ShallotRed Sun G back - lower bed west & nursery bed 220
SisyrinchiumE K Balls 4 front - water feature area 215
SkimmiaReevesiana E back - heather bed west 213
SkimmiaTemptation L back - at fence with 18 214
Snowdropelwesii 2 front - magnolia / laburnum area Galanthus 218
SolanumGlasnevin J back - bottom east 28
Spinacheverlasting x no longer here 24
SpiraeaFirelight 2 front - magnolia / laburnum area 29
SpiraeaFirelight G back - lower bed west & nursery bed 30
SpiraeaSnowmound J back - bottom east 31
Spring Onion x no longer here 25
Stock10-week mixed x no longer here Better in sunlight & supported. Nothing special about the flowers. Good in a mixed bed. 26
StockNight scented x no longer here Better in sunlight & supported. Nothing special about the flowers. Good in a mixed bed. 27
Strawberry x no longer here 20
Sunflower 221
SunflowerIrish Eyes x no longer here 18
Sweet Peas Mid-March - 3 seeds in 3" pot, general compost & some soil, leave on window sill / boiler house. Put out in sheltered position when seedlings. 4 of these pots will make a wigwam.
Cut every 10 days to stop seeding.
Sweet William 206
Thyme 7 front - beside front door 19
Tomato x no longer here Use the biggest pots; only 3 plants; allow ventilation. Train & remove side shoots early. After fruit have formed, remove leaves up to first truss. Remove leaves overhanging fruit to allow ripening. 21
Tree Peonysuffructicosa Paeonia 195
Triteleia N back -patio area & raised beds 212
Tulips 205
Verbenabonariensis x no longer here too tall & spindly 13
Veronica 3 front - central area 14
Veronicaalpine 5 front - roses area 9
Viburnumplicatum Kilimanjaro B back - top bed - middle 17
Viburnumtinus L back - at fence with 18 15
Viburnumtinus Eve Price L back - at fence with 18 16
Vinca minorAtropurpurea H back - lower bed - east 10
Vinca minorBowles Variety H back - lower bed - east 12
Vinca minorIllumination H back - lower bed - east 11
Wallflower H back - lower bed - east protect from pigeons. In June, sow seeds for next spring flowering. 8
Wallflower P 222
Plant ImagePlant in Context ImageWiegela 1 front - nearest road 5
Plant ImagePlant in Context ImageWiegelaBristol Ruby M back - down west side of steps 6
Plant ImagePlant in Context ImageWiegelaKosteriana Variegata J back - bottom east 7
Zinnia x no longer here 2016: destroyed by slugs / snails 4
ZinniaOrange King 160


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