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PlantVarietyLocationShort NotesLatinID
ParahebeSnow Clouds 196
Parsnip x no longer here At end of April, sow with radish in same drill. Radish harvest first and by then the parsnip will have germinated. 199
Peacock Orchid x no longer here Gladiolus Callianthus 135
PeonyKansas Paeonia 193
Peonylactifolia Krinkle White Paeonia 194
PeonySarah Bernhardt Paeonia 192
Petunia 186
Philadelphus x no longer here 171
PhiladelphusSnowbelle B back - top bed - middle 170
PhloxEarly Spring Purple 187
Phloxpaniculata David 188
PhotiniaChristmas Berry 181
PhotiniaRed Robin 182
PhotiniaScarlet Blaze 183
PierisFlaming Silver 190
PierisMountain Fire 189
Pierisvariegated 191
PittosporumGarnettii x no longer here Was right beside gate. Old plant. Removed. 176
PoppyBritish Oriental x no longer here 169
PoppyCalifornian - mixed 198
PoppyLadybird Sow direct at beginning of September. 197
PoppyOriental - Beauty of Livermore 180
PoppyOriental - Royal Wedding 179
Potatoes 174
Potatoes N back -patio area & raised beds Chit mid-March - in light so that the eyes aren't too long & pale. 226
Potentilla x no longer here 168
PrimulaAcaulis x no longer here 185
PritzelagoIcecube 175
Privetgolden ligistrum 158
PrunusIncisa Kojou-no-mai I back - bottom - west 172
PrunusOshidori N back -patio area & raised beds 173
Pulmonaria M back - down west side of steps 184


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